
1 x 320g pack puff pastry (dairy-free)
300g cherry tomatoes
Drizzle (~1 tbsp) olive oil
Pinch of salt and ground pepper
2 eggs
250ml Alpro Soya Cuisine
Handful basil leaves, shredded, plus a few small ones left whole for scattering
50g grated parmesan (optional)

    • Roll out the puff pastry on a lightly floured surface to a round about 5cm larger than a 25cm diametre flan / quiche tin. Use your rolling pin to lift it up, then drape over the tart case so there is an overhang of pastry on the sides. Push the pastry into the corners of the tin and chill in the fridge for 20 mins. Pre-heat the oven to 200°C / fan 180°C / gas 6.
    • In a small roasting tin, drizzle the tomatoes with olive oil and season with a pinch of salt and plenty of ground pepper. Put the tomatoes on a low shelf in the oven for 25 – 30 mins.
    • In the meantime, lightly prick the pastry base with a fork, line the with a large circle of greaseproof paper or foil and fill with baking beans. Blind-bake the tart for 20 mins in the middle of the oven, remove the paper and beans, then continue to cook for 5-10 mins until biscuit brown. When you remove the tart case from the oven, take out the tomatoes too.
    • Beat the eggs in a large bowl with the Alpro Soya Cuisine, then stir in the basil. When the pastry case is ready, sprinkle the base with half the parmesan cheese, then scatter the tomatoes, pour over the cream and egg mix, and finally scatter over the top the remaining parmesan cheese.
    • Bake for 20-25 mins until set and golden brown. Leave to cool in the case, trim the edges of the pastry, then remove from the tin. Scatter over the remaining basil and serve in slices. Delicious!

    (Recipes and Images Copyright

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